Tuesday, March 31, 2020

CorelDRAW as a Graphic Designing Tool – Graphic Design Learning Document Series #2

Once again hello and welcome to my channel. I am K.A.Rahaman from dtange.com. This is the second video of my graphic design learning document series. In the first video I have already said that I am doing a diploma in graphic design and so far CorelDRAW has been completed. So in this video I will discuss what I have learnt about CorelDRAW.

What is CorelDRAW? CorelDRAW is a vector graphic editor designed and marketed by Corel corporation and used by different graphic designers.
What is CorelDRAW?

What they taught me about CorelDRAW in their institute? They taught CorelDRAW in two different parts - 1. First they taught the software. How to use CorelDRAW? How to work on CorelDRAW? Help us familiarize different tools, menubar, optionbar, workplace, panels of the software. The first part is all about the  software itself. 2. In the second part project work has to be done using CorelDRAW. And you have to submit those projects in a certain time to the institute. And CorelDRAW related projects given by faculty are - logo design, business card, letterhead, envelope, package design, T-shirt design, flyers, leaflet, brochure, banner. Hoarding, standee, dangler, book cover design, magazine cover, CD/DVD cover, birthday card, product catalogue, newspaper ads and sticker banner. It took almost two months to finish CorelDRAW. After that I had to attend a small test. The test was the combination of both theory and practical. In the theory exam they gave a question paper full of CorelDraw and vector image related questions and in practical they gave a project work and I had to finish it in front of the faculty. The overall exam was quite well. I did perform quite good. After CorelDRaw the next software in the schedule is Adobe Photoshop, which has been started.

Now how important is it to learn CorelDRAW as a graphics designer? Well CorelDRAW is a very powerful vector graphic editing software. You can do almost any vector graphic project work using CorelDRAW. But there is other vector graphic software called Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator gives you better output than CorelDRAw. It’s the industry standard software application. Right now illustrator is used more than any other vector graphic software. It’s dominating the market.
And you don’t need to learn CorelDRAW to become a good graphic designer. What you need to learn is the three main softwares  as a graphic designer and those are  - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Indesign. These three softwares are the heart of graphic designing.
CorelDRAW vs Adobe Illustrator

So why are they still teaching CorelDRAW, when you can do the same task better way using Adobe Illustrator? That’s a nice question. And I asked the same question to our faculty. The teacher answered the question in a very good way. Though they are going to teach their students Adobe Illustrator, still they include CorelDRAW in their course schedule. Because some companies still use CorelDraw instead of Adobe Illustrator. And after a diploma a student goes for a job as a graphic designer, some companies still require CorelDRAW in your resume. That's Why they also teach CorelDRAW alongside Adobe Illustrator.

But I like to use Illustrator instead of CorelDraw. And soon I am going to learn Illustrator. After photoshop they will teach Illustrator.

So, the conclusion is you can be a good graphic designer without learning CorelDRAW. But still you can learn it if you want to. There are lots of good online video courses out there to learn CorelDRAW. But I am not going to make any other CorelDRAW related video in this document series. In the next few videos I am going to discuss Adobe Photoshop. So please stay tuned.

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Monday, March 23, 2020

Learning Graphic Design [Document Series #1] Diploma in Graphic Design - Introduction

Hello, I am K.A.Rahaman and welcome to Dtange from dtange.com. Before I start anything, I want to say one thing that this is my first video I ever attempt to create. So I apologize for my unprofessionally edited bad quality video. I am a camera shy person, English is not my first language and I don’t know anything about professional video editing. I have seen other people’s fancy looking videos, and I love to watch those videos but I have no idea how they do that. Probably I need to do a diploma in video editing and voice over too, to produce pro level video.

Whatever, I am doing diploma in graphic design and I decided to share my experience with you guys as a document series. I joined a nearby institute to learn graphic design. The course duration is 6 months. And they are going to teach me five software - Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and Adobe Lightroom. Already 3 months are over. Corel Draw has been completed. Right now they are teaching me Photoshop. I am late in the party to create my document series. It’s because lots of barriers to produce videos was holding me back to start, what I already discussed. I couldn't decide if I should start a document video series or not. Then I thought, hey it’s not about video editing or anything related to video production. My videos might not look professional, But I am here to discuss graphic design and I will try to give values on graphic design in my contents providing as much information as possible of my learning journey. So I hope unprofessionally edited videos wouldn’t affect too much in this case.

Now what is graphic design?
I am not going too far with the textbook definition. In simple words, graphic design is the visual representation of any message you want to share or spread.

So, how to learn this amazing skill called graphic design?
Well, there are three ways to learn graphic design. Go and find a good institute and get admission, buy graphic design online video courses or purchase books and start reading.  Not only graphic design, these methods are very effective and applicable to almost any skills you want to learn.
Ways to learn graphic design

Now the next question is, among them which method should I choose? Or which one is better? And I must say, you need to go for all three of them. Combine all three methods to learn and master any skills. What I am going to do here. I got admission in a graphic design institute and attending classes, reading graphic design related books and I purchased a video course from udemy. I will discuss here about all three methods, I will show my progress, going to share with you what I am learning from which methods.

As usual, all methods have some advantages or disadvantages. Similarly these three methods also have some pros and cons.

No. 1:- Taking admission in a good institute is the most effective way to learn graphic design but this is also more costly than the other two.

No. 2:- Online video courses are cost effective. Also you can learn from the comfort of your own home. But you are not going to learn in depth.

No. 3:- If you like reading books, it’s cheaper than the other two and you receive in depth knowledge. But this is less practical.

That’s why I like to combine all three methods to get maximum benefits. In this document series I am going to share all types of experiences with you.

So Please stay connected.

Once again I apologize for my low quality video and voice over. Also I want you to suggest to me in the comment section about how I improve my videos so it looks great. And I can improve my video qualities in the future.

Thanks for watching.
Also please follow dtange on facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest.

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Watch full playlist of this series "Learning Graphic Design Journey [Document Series]" here :- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqdctOJ7trtrfN8aVri6ZGJPpOUUzNEYw
Background music attribution :- Royalty Free Music from Bensound

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What is Digital Product? Types of Digital Products [Dtange - Introduction]

What is Digital Product?

Digital products are intangible assets or content that are sold and/or distributed online. They’re distributed digitally meaning that they don’t actually get shipped to customers which means that they can instead be downloaded, streamed or accessed immediately by the purchaser on their computer, smartphone or tablet. According to file formats digital products come in roughly eight different varieties such as text files, image files, audio, video, animation, software, website and games.
Digital products have so many different advantages, many of which make them a desirable alternative to selling physical products. In general, digital products are simple to make, easy to distribute, are a sustainable business model, and have a high profit margin earning potential.
Like physical products, selling digital products also has some advantages as well as disadvantages. Let’s look more closely.

The pros of selling digital products

Passive Income: You don’t have to make a product every time a customer orders from you, you simply make one product, automate the selling process, and then earn income passively

Personal Freedom: You can sell from anywhere, to anywhere — digital products put no limits on your lifestyle

Lower Overhead Costs: Costs to produce digital products are generally low and there’s no need to hire a warehouse to store inventory

Easy to Reach Target Market: You’re not bound by a brick-and-mortar location where your only potential customer base is dependent on who lives locally to you. There are few limitations to the audience you can reach online

No Inventory Management: There’s no need to store products, manage inventory or SKUs

Easy Manufacturing Process: There are no MOQs when ordering products from a manufacturer

No Shipping Process: No need to pick, pack, and fulfill orders or hire a warehouse to do it for you

Low Product Return Rate: No damaged products and a lower chance of customers receiving a faulty product

Easy Automation: Pretty much the entire process of selling digital products can be automated
No Shipping Limitations: Some physical products — like beauty products, food products, and machinery products — have limitations on where and how they can be shipped but digital products generally have no distribution limitations
Lower Barrier-to-Entry: It generally costs less to create digital products and anyone can create a digital product
Independence From Suppliers: Usually when creating a physical product you have to work with a supplier to actually manufacture the product and bring it to life but, with digital products, they don’t have to be created by anyone else unless you want them to be
High Profit Margins: Because digital products are generally inexpensive to make and you just have to create the product once and then it can be sold an unlimited number of times — plus, there are generally low overhead costs — digital products usually have the potential for a very healthy profit margin
They Don’t Break, Perish or Wear Out: Digital products can last a long time because they’re not subject to the same kind of wear and tear that physical products experience
Always In-Stock: You can’t sell out of digital products so you’ll never miss out on sales and you’ll never over-sell your product
Immediate Distribution: No need for customers to wait for their product to arrive, digital products are sent directly to the customer after the purchase goes through so customers don’t have to wait for the product to arrive
Easy Refunds: Your customers don’t have to ship the product back to you to return it, simply refund their order if they’re dissatisfied
Offer Free Trials: It’s much more difficult logistically to offer free trials for physical products but providing free trials is a great way to get potential customers to purchase your digital products
Low Risk: Selling digital products is a much lower-risk option than many other types of products.

The cons of selling digital products

Easy to Replicate: Since digital products are sent out online, they can be easy to copy, duplicate, replicate, and share with others. There are ways to limit this, such as by using expiring links, license keys, watermarks, source code protection, PDF stamping, and digital product distribution platforms that offer product-specific security features
Not Tangible: Digital products can’t actually be held by a customer (unless they’re able to print out the product for themselves), which may bother some customers. Some customers prefer a tangible product they can experience in real life
Some Customers Don’t Understand Digital Products: Some customers still expect all products sold online to be physical products that they’ll receive in the mail, so it’s important to be quite clear and direct on digital product pages when an item is, in fact, only distributed digitally, just to clear up any misconceptions a customer might have
Lower Perceived Quality: Consumers may perceive digital products to be less valuable because they exist in an intangible way
Competing Against Free Products: It’s likely that consumers can find similar versions of digital products online, but for free, so you have to make sure your product can compete against what kind of content is already available for free
No Repeat Buyers: Once customers buy a digital product there’s no need to re-buy it (unless it’s a digital membership/subscription service)
Competitive Market: Because creating some digital products has such a low barrier-to-entry, it can be a very competitive landscape to exist in as an ecommerce merchant

Some Restrictions Apply: While digital products may not face the same shipping restrictions that physical products can face, digital products face some sales channels restrictions like not being permitted to sell through Facebook or Instagram. Right now, Facebook and Instagram list “primarily selling physical goods” as a criterion for their business approval requirements, which means that business Instagram accounts must be for companies that primarily sell physical goods only.

Digital Products vs Physical Products

While digital products have many appealing advantages like their high profit margin earning potential and their easy distribution methods, they do have several disadvantages as well which we listed above.

Physical products, on the other hand, also have many advantages such as it being easier to demonstrate the value of a tangible product so their perceived quality may be thought to be higher than digital products, but physical products are time-consuming to manage, not to mention expensive to source and ship.

What it comes down to, ultimately, will be your own product ideas, the niche market you’re serving, your risk tolerance, and how much of your business you want to be automated. Let’s discuss this in more detail.

If You Have Product Ideas: If you already have an idea of what kind of product, or products, you want to sell online then you’ll probably already know whether it’s a digital product or a physical one. Depending on your product idea it’ll likely fit better into one category rather than the other, so that will help you decide.

Think About Your Niche Market: Some niche markets are more likely to be open to purchasing one product type rather than the other. Think about your niche market’s age demographic, for example: Are they primarily people who have access to computers, smartphones, and tablets where they could download and stream digital products? Or is your niche market made up of people who don’t prefer to use smart devices to access content or products and they’d rather have a physical copy to hold in their own hands? Taking your niche markets’ preferences into consideration can help you decide between physical and digital products.

What’s Your Risk Tolerance? If you’re a low-risk, slow-and-steady kind of business builder then digital products might be a great choice because they’re generally less expensive to create, and you don’t have to purchase inventory upfront which means you have less to lose if sales don’t go well.

Do You Want Your Business Automated? Ecommerce stores that sell digital products and physical products can both be completely automated, however, it will depend on the types of products you sell, the ecommerce platforms you sell through and the level of support you’ll have to perform to keep your customers happy. Generally speaking, stores that sell physical products usually have some aspect to them that requires more hands-on work because there are more moving parts in the process — like picking and packing the orders, shipping the items, warehousing the products, managing returns, etc. — while stores that sell digital products don’t have to manage quite as many of those steps and for the steps they do still have to manage, usually they’re simpler.

Types of Digital Products (According to File Types)

There are eight major kinds of digital products that can be sold online. Those are - Text, Image, Audio, Video, Animation, Software, Website and Games. And each major type of digital product can be divided into several categories and even subcategories. There are wide varieties of digital products, the only limit is your imagination. Here's a list of what kind of digital products can be sold online.
Types of Digital Products

1. Text
     a. eBook
     b. eMagazine
     c. eComics
2. Image
     a. Stock Photo
     b. Graphic Templates
     c. Vector Illustration
     d. Digital Painting
          i. Photo Art
          ii. Fine Arts
          iii. Concept Art
          iv. Manga
          v. Illustration
3. Audio
     a. Stock Music
     b. Audiobook
     c. Songs / Music Album
     a. Stock Footage
     b. Video Course
     c. Short Films
     d. Web/T.V. Series
     e. Movies
5. Animation
     a. Motion Graphic Templates
     b. 3D Models
     c. Music Videos
     d. Animated Short Films
     e. Animated Web/T.V. Series
     f. Animated Movies
6. Software
     a. Codes
     b. Computer Software
     c. Web Application
     d. Mobile Apps
7. Website
     a. Website Templates
     b. Wordpress Themes
     c. Wordpress Plugin
     d. UI Design
8. Games
     a. Computer Games
     b. Console Games
     c. Mobile Games

What is Dtange.com ? (Dtange - Introduction)

Dtange is a community, where we are going to discuss all about digital products. The term Dtange comes from “Digital Intangible”. It’s all about digital intangible products and services.

On this online community or blog Dtange (http://blog.dtange.com) different valuable topics will be discussed such as - how to create digital products, how and where to sell digital products online, how to earn money online selling digital products and build your career, how to establish your own successful online business of digital products and become financially free etc.

Stay connected.
Thank you

Official Website :- www.dtange.com
Official Blog:- blog.dtange.com
Blog:- Wordpress
Vlog:- Youtube
Social Media:- Facebook

Title:- Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop - Graphic Design Learning Document Series #3

Hello everyone, this is the third video of my graphic design learning document series. As I mentioned in the previous video, I am going ...